Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fun Activities and Historic Landmarks of Newport Richey, Florida

There are a lot of things that tourists could do while they are having a worthwhile vacation in New Port Richey, Florida. Apart from the great establishments that has been created to make up for the history that has been made in the past few years; many people are looking forward for a more exciting and worthy vacation experience in the city.

Some of the fun activities that people could do while enjoying their vacation will include:

·         Visiting the West Pasco Historical Society Museum and Library
It was originally a school named Seven Springs Schoolhouse that was built in the year 1915. In this school, children are supposed to bring their own desks going to school because there were still no means of getting the things that they need for school. Some of the examples of chairs being brought by children to school are exhibited in the museum. The building was used by the Frierson family was used as their home in the year 1925. Then after sometime, was moved to Sims Park in the year 1983. The additional features of the library were added in the year 1992. Most handicaps can go to and fro the museum.

·         Do some Golfing
Some people could not live a day without playing golf. New Port Richey offers several good golf courses that offer excellent service that a golfer could be impressed with. The country golf courses in the area have facilities that will surely give a different kind of playing ambience for any person opting to get the best kind of experience in while playing golf. Some of the most known golf courses include, Seven Springs Golf and Country Club, Championship Golf Course, Heritage Springs Country Club and Timber Greens Country Club.

·         Try Tennis!
If you do not have some knowledge about golfing, you might want to try tennis instead. There were some great tennis courts in New Port Richey that people could enjoy playing tennis with. New Port Richey gives a lot of fun activities to most of their guests to enjoy their stay in the area. Offering many attractions such as tennis courts, it will be a good way to have the best and most exciting fun activities in the city of New Port Richey.

·         Explore the Nature
Windsong Charter offers some great fun activity lined up for their guests. They offer sailing services that allows their guests to explore the beauty that is in New Port Richey. They let their guests be the one at the back of the sailing port thus having the best kind of sailing experience for them. They also offer renting kayaks that could be used to explore the whole area.

Being one of the most visited places in Florida, USA, New Port Richey have given every good offer for their guests thus helping them to have the most memorable experience as they stay in the city’s area. It will be a great opportunity for them to have the best kind of vacation in a place full of historical landmarks to do fun activities.

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